Simple Additions to Elevate your table: Part 2

In our last blog post, we began a conversation about creating a beautiful table that is an invitation for your guests to enjoy their time and their meal. A few thoughtful and inexpensive touches can make a huge difference in your guests’ experience. In this blog post, part 2, we share simple additions to elevate your table at your next occasion. Here are 7 easy ways to get started.

1. Choose your centerpieces wisely.

Flowers are often a go-to for creating centerpieces for most events. Pay attention to the color scheme, the container, the size and shape of the piece, and the actual flowers. Also determine if you are going to use real flowers or silk. Flowers aren’t the only option for a fantastic centerpiece. Consider stacked books related to your occasion, diaper cakes for a baby shower, or items related to your theme. Be aware of the height and width of your centerpiece. You’ll want to make sure people can see around it and over it.

2. Add some greenery.

A simple way to make your table special is to add greenery to your plating. A touch of fresh herbs placed strategically on your food makes your food look appealing. Lettuce or other greens on your serving tray under your fruits or vegetables adds a pop to your dish. Don’t be shy – add extra greenery in your centerpieces or even in place of flowers on your buffet table. Be careful to use greenery that is edible if it will be touching food. You can also use edible flowers to add a boost to your dish.

3. Use menu cards

A beautiful card placed on top of a charger or dinner plate with the meal’s offerings is a creative way to bring elegance to your table. Use style, colors, and font that suit your theme. Menu cards lend an added ambiance to your guests’ place settings.

4. Spice up your guest experience with name cards

Everyone’s name is special to them. Using cards or items with your guests’ names at a place at the table you picked for them is a thoughtful gesture. It shows you’ve taken time to determine where the best place is for each guest and who needs to sit next to whom based on personalities and interests.

5. Favors make great simple additions to elevate your table

A couple of pieces of candy or a small bag with candy or nuts is an easy way to add an unexpected delight to your guests. You can use non-food items, as well, that relate to the event, such as a:

~ mug with their name on it

~ small, potted flower or herb

~ fabric or leather bag or case to hold mechanical pencils, erasers, pens (including a red one) for teachers.

~ drink marker

~ small candle

Remember, it doesn’t have to be expensive. Thoughtfulness goes a long way. You can even get creative and combine a unique name card with a favor for your guest!

6. Use serving utensils where you can

A nice bowl with chips and tongs is much more appealing visually, not to mention more sanitary, than a bag or just a bowl of chips. If you run out of utensils, pull out the toothpicks. Toothpicks, or cocktail forks, make it convenient to pick up veggies, cheese, lunch meats, olives, pickles, and other “finger foods.”

7. Use the appropriate amount of silverware and plates corresponding to your number of courses

Add a salad fork and plate, a dessert fork or spoon, and other utensils right from the start of the meal. This way, guests have what they need as they enjoy their meal from appetizer to dessert. In addition to giving them that little extra something that makes your occasion over-the-top, it allows you, as host, to be in the moment, conversing with your guests instead of running back and forth between courses to replace silverware!

By adding even one or two of these strategies you can make your table and guest experience above what is anticipated. Start small, find out what fits your style, and take it to the next level as you can.

This isn’t about doing more for the sake of doing more. Rather, it’s about setting an atmosphere that welcomes your guests. One of the biggest pieces of that is…you. Your headspace and ability to be present are an often overlooked part of what your guests will respond to during your time together, even unconsciously.

However, as you physically prepare for your event, these simple additions to elevate your table make a big difference and your guests will notice and appreciate the thoughtfulness. For 7 strategies to thoughtfully create the mood and enhance the artistry for your event by elevating your table, make sure to check out Part 1 of this conversation. Happy hosting!

Remember, it’s your occasion. Make it Always Yours!