Love Lives Beyond the Grave

Marriage ties are to last until “death do us part”, but love endures beyond the grave.

In two cities during the trip to Europe I made it a point to visit graveyards. One was in Bucharest, Romania, the other, in Paris, France. Monuments erected in honour of spouses and family testified to the devotion of those grieving the separation from the one they loved. Seeing monuments like these brings powerful emotions into the heart. An acquaintance even told me that Parisians go to graveyards shortly after they are married to remind themselves that no one is guaranteed tomorrow and to start off their married lives with a perspective on how important love and family is.

Husband grieving wife



Wife grieving husband


Chopin’s sister


There’s a memorial in London, England for those killed in the September 11 attacks on the United States. My sister and I came upon it May 25th, the United States Memorial Day. In front of the monument is a quote from Henry Van Dyke.

“Time is
Too Slow for those who Wait,
Too Swift for those who Fear,
Too Long for those who Grieve,
Too Short for those who Rejoice;
But for those who Love
Time is not.”

Death cannot kill love. Only apathy can kill love. Selfishness can extinguish it. Selflessness glorifies it.